Is qasidah burdah bidah
Is qasidah burdah bidah

To fully comprehend its meaning, they also had a special band that was sent out to wedding and funerals to chant it. Some rules for example are to be pure upon reading it, to face the kiblah, and to have precise grammar and pronunciation upon its recitation. Muhammad Saeed Kailany replied to this and said: "Some were not satisfied with the fabrication they placed on significance in reading this poem rather they went on to place rules on reading this poem that were not placed on the Qur'an. Some Sufis claim that for each line of that poem is a special benefit such as helping you from being poor or helping you to cure diseases. It was also given the name the Hardship because it supposedly eases off hardships when one reads it. It was given other names such as Albara'ah, meaning the cure, because it supposedly cured the author from being paralyzed after he read it. There are no similarities in the two poems except the name. The author chose this name as a copycat from another poem praising the Prophet (sallah allahu alieh wasalam) by a companion named Ka3b Bin Zuhier. The name given to this poem was Qasidah Al-Burdah. Today, there are over fifty written elucidations on this in Arabic. There are those who made it their focus of study coupled with supposed scholars who waste their time on its elucidations. There are those who memorize it and others who chant it. This poem is very popular and widespread in Arabic. The explanation of how it is wrong and read in Arabic must be noted. Second, in some translations, the meaning is not accurate. First, there was enough and sufficient errors in the other lines. Based on this there are two aspects of the poem that must be remembered. Hence I gave the author the benefit of the doubt and did not mention those lines. Even though, these lines may be interpreted with truth or falsehood, the Prophet (sallah allahu alieh wasalam) taught us to think good first unless there is proof against a particular matter. There are lines in the poem that may mean something good or bad. Therefore, I take it as my duty to defend this Aqeedah and ask Allah that it be for His sake only, and that the harm of those who will slander me be among my balance on the judgment day. While it has recently been translated into English by those who support this, through my research, I was unable to find any conclusive or inconclusive reply to it in English. There would have been no need to write a reply in English had not misguided people translated it, bolstered it, and undertook to propagate it at so-called Muslim social events. * Ma3loomat Muhimah An Aldeen By Jameel Zino * Reply to Burdah by sheikh Abdel Azeez Al Abdel Lateef * Ghayat AlAmany fe Alrad Ala Alnabhany by Mahmood Shukry Al Aloosy * Reply to Al Burdah by Sheikh Abdallah Aba Ibteen (70 page long reply) * In Tasier AlAzeez Alhameed is a reply by Sheikh Sulieman Bin Muhammad Bin Abdelwahab. The poem has been widespread in Arabic for nearly eight centuries and many scholars have replied to it in Arabic. It is also known as the most famous if not the most famous poem that supposedly praises the Prophet (sallah allahu alieh wasalam). This poem is called Qasidah Al-Burdah by Muhammad Al-Busairi. In the past few years, there is a particular piece of Arabic poetry that has reached the Muslims in the west and has been translated into English. But the believers have more love for Allah." (Qur'an 2:165) They love them as much as they should love Allah. Allah says: "There are men who take others besides Allah as equal with Him. To love the Prophet (sallah allahu alieh wasalam) is to love Allah alone, to worship Allah as he worshipped Allah. Allah says: "Say (Muhammad), if you do love Allah, follow me, Allah will love you (in return) and forgive your sins" (Qur'an 3:31) In the same way that love of the Prophet (sallah allahu alieh wasalam) is a reason for attaining the good of this world and the Hereafter, loving him is also a reason for achieving the sweetness of Iman.īut, how do we manifest our love for him? It is by following the Sunnah of the Prophet (sallah allahu alieh wasalam). Imam Muslim related from Anas (radia allahu anh) that he said: "The Messenger of Allah (sallah allahu alieh wasalam) said: 'None of you will truly believe until I am more beloved to him than his family, wealth and all the people.'" Kindly read the following article written by as-Shaykh Ahmad Jibreel, may Allaah be merciful towards him. The true scholars of Islaam have condemned and rejected this filthy poem. The Qasidah Burdah poem is of shirk, evil and corruption which Islaam has rejected and forbidden since time immemmorial.

Is qasidah burdah bidah